Andrew Vaughan, Chairman of the Watford and District branch of the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) was invited by his local MP Dean Russell to visit Number 10 alongside other community champions. The visit celebrated the great work of local groups such as Watford CAMRA. The team work really hard to promote real ale and supports local pubs, clubs and other real ale outlets in Watford and the region.
CAMRA was originally formed in 1971 to protect traditional cask-conditioned beers, which were gradually being replaced in pubs by both filtered and pasteurised keg beers. The local group holds monthly meetings where they focus on campaigning topics and have a calendar of social events which include the much anticipated annual beer festival which Dean has visited. They also hold darts tournaments and social events. The group continues to support breweries that produce real ale, and to promote pubs and other venues that sell real ale.
Following the visit Dean said, ‘I was delighted to invite Andrew from the Watford and District branch of CAMRA to meet Ministers Steve Barclay MP and Mark Spencer MP at Number 10. Watford’s hospitality industry is so important and I proudly support them at every opportunity. The night time economy is fundamental to our town as it boosts local businesses and creates a thriving place to visit beyond the usual traditional working hours. I was pleased that Andrew’s hard work could be acknowledged by the Ministers as I know how much he does, along with his committee, to promote real ale in Watford and the surrounding areas. The club is committed to promoting the long standing tradition of real ale and also supports our hard working hospitality industry’.
Andrew Vaughan says, ‘I was honoured that Dean invited me to the reception as representative of the Watford & District branch of the Campaign for Real Ale. It was a very interesting afternoon during which I met businesspeople and politicians with a shared interest in supporting local producers and protecting pubs and made some valuable contacts’.